Your Kids Love Monkey Bars? Here's How to Build Them Yourself
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Additionally, a Kee Klamp built structure can be taken apart and reassembled relatively easily. An option that's not possible with welded structures or even DIY builds made out of wood. Thus, Kee Klamp galvanized pipe fittings have become a popular building material in constructing homemade monkey bars. I measured out 14.5″ on each board and drew a line indicating where to screw down the bars. When I went to install the first bar I noticed that it was slanted. Essentially my two horizontal bars were off by about an inch, which uncorrected would leave a difficult set of monkey bars to navigate.
A common material that is used for monkey bars is galvanized steel, as it is durable and can withstand weathering and corrosion. Other materials that could be used include aluminum or PVC. Ultimately, it is up to the individual or organization installing the monkey bars to determine which type of pipe is best suited for their needs. Monkey bars can be an excellent option if you want something that is both enjoyable and effective.
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Lastly, at the top of the structure, the Single Socket Tee is used to create the monkey bar "rungs". The Single Socket Tee accepts pipe in one end and allows pipe to slide through the open socket on the other end of the fitting. We’ve now had this monkey bar set for 4 summers and the kids still get a ton of use out of it, with no signs of deterioration over that time, absolutely worth the cost.
Wall Mounted Handrail Kits Handrail kits that mount to the wall adjacent to the steps. Hopefully you can find someone who will help you build it. I still haven’t gone out and re-inforced the ones I built yet because it still functions fine for all of us. My plan is to use 2X4s at an angle in the spring, but I think those braces would work just as well, if not better if you want to skip the extra carpentry work. All wood used should be pressure treated since it will be exposed to the ground and the elements. This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising.
DIY : How to Build Monkey Bars
I also bought 4 bags of Quickcrete so Each post will be set in holes with 50 lbs concrete. What do you think of this monkey bar set, would you consider building one in your yard? If you liked this building project check out how I recently built a rock climbing wall and a Gaga Ball pit. Transporting 12′ boards in a minivan isn’t easy, but it is doable! After site selection and all materials and tools were gathered I laid out all the boards about where they would go.

Leave the posts alone for at least 4 hours so the concrete has time to firm up so it’s able to support weight without causing the post to move around. Look for the straightest posts available so your monkey bars are less likely to bow or bend. Dig a hole with a post hole digger at each of the stakes. Hold the handles of a post hole digger together and push the blades into the ground. Spread the handles apart and pull up to remove the dirt.
Where to Use Each Fitting:
These pieces will help support the weight of the horizontal runs and make them easier to install. Combine playtime and fitness with our collection of award-winning home Monkey Bars for all the family. Get ready for adrenalin-filled fun and transform your outdoor space into an incredible jungle gym.

Note, that for each monkey bar "rung", you will need two Single Socket Tee fittings. However, if you’re confident in your abilities and have all the necessary materials, then building your own monkey bars shouldn’t be too difficult. Just be sure to do your research beforehand and follow instructions carefully. You can adjust the distance between the steps if you need to. For example, you may shorten the gaps if you’re building them for smaller kids or make them larger if you’re building them for yourself. Just be sure you can easily reach the top of the post when you stand on the top bar.
How Far Off The Ground Should Monkey Bars Be?
The critical step would be correctly sizing this so that the hole for the pipe is a really tight fit. Maybe even after getting it built put in some screws about an 1/8″ away from the pipes to squeeze the wood around the pipes for a tighter fit. You could then Cap the end of the 2X10s with the hole drilled all the way through by sistering a 1″ board over where all the holes are at. I haven’t built anything like this, but that is the route I would personally try. The rungs for the monkey bars were 21.5″, which set the spacing between the 2 sides of the structure. Measure 12 inches up from the top of your first step and make a mark on the post.
Drill pilot holes trough the components before inserting the wood screws, to prevent the wood from splitting. Overall, the structure is 8' wide, 8' long, and 7' tall. The monkey bar "rungs" are 36" wide and are equally spaced. The monkey bar legs are 6" tall and the "feet"are built using the Flange fitting. The cross bar at the end of the monkey bar allows for a variety of movements when combined with rings or other suspension trainers. In general, however, most monkey bars are made with 1.5-inch diameter pipe. I have added double 2x6x12 on each side of the 4x4x10.
In order to get to the depth I wanted I had to make the holes fairly large. The larger the hole the more cement you can pour, which will make the whole thing be stronger. I think either putting the posts in deeper or adding braces at a 45 from the posts to the runs would solve this. For example, if the horizontal run measures 144 inches and you have 9 rungs, your equation would be 144/(9 +1). Our step-by-step guide for installing your home Monkey Bars is straightforward to follow.
Also dig another set of holes, with the same dimensions, which are placed 8 feet away from the first set. Monkey bars have long been the plaything of children across the Unites States. They afford a fun way to engage kids in activities and let their imaginations go free while playing.
A monkey bar is an excellent way to get children involved in activities while also allowing them to let go of their imaginations. A few days of preparation and some tools and supplies are required to assemble a set of monkey bars. Most hardware and home improvement stores carry lumber, concrete mix, and metal poles. Using a shovel, fill in one-foot-deep holes in the ground. Drill 3/8-inch-diameter holes through each board at the marked positions using a drill.
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